Remainder theorem
How do we find the remainder when we divide
One way is to use long division

From the long division, we get a remainder of 13
Note that:
is known as the divisor
is known as the quotient
is known as the dividend
In most cases we are only interested in the remainder, there is an easier way of obtaining the remainder without using long division
The easier way is to use the Remainder Theorem
Once again we want to find the remainder when
is divided by 

How do we know what value to sub in ?
If we are dividing by x - 2, we let x - 2 =0 and get x = 2. So we sub in 2
If we are dividing by x + 2, we let x + 2 =0 and get x = -2. So we sub in -2
If we are dividing by x - a, we let x - a =0 and get x = a. So we sub in a
Question 1
Given that
leaves a remainder of 6 when divided by
and has a factor of
, find the value of a and b.

Next the question says that x + 2 is a factor
Factor means that the remainder is zero
Hence we can apply the remainder theorem

By solving the 2 simultaneous equations we can determine the values of a and b
How do we find the remainder when we divide
One way is to use long division

From the long division, we get a remainder of 13
Note that:
In most cases we are only interested in the remainder, there is an easier way of obtaining the remainder without using long division
The easier way is to use the Remainder Theorem
Once again we want to find the remainder when

How do we know what value to sub in ?
If we are dividing by x - 2, we let x - 2 =0 and get x = 2. So we sub in 2
If we are dividing by x + 2, we let x + 2 =0 and get x = -2. So we sub in -2
If we are dividing by x - a, we let x - a =0 and get x = a. So we sub in a
Question 1
Given that

Next the question says that x + 2 is a factor
Factor means that the remainder is zero
Hence we can apply the remainder theorem

By solving the 2 simultaneous equations we can determine the values of a and b
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